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Not your run-of-the-mill cuff link shape, enjoy being the only person in the gathering wearing these visually special cuff links.
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This traditional eastern style Wezar (also called Lungi) is a plain white cloth made from 100% Cotton. It is a single piece of fabric, unstitched and tied around the waist, overlapped from both wide ends and folded from the top on waist to hold as grip. A very comfortable wear and only for those who have experience should try this. Oh yes, it is of the Sunnah!ÂÂ
See Description for dimensions.
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This contemporary sterling steel cuff links add style to any outfit. Featuring a unique intertwined knot, these beautiful cuff links are finished with a high polish for that extra touch of class and are the perfect addition to your business qamees.
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This is the Omani style topi (Kufi). It is famous for its artistic designs and majestic colors. An Omani Qamees in not complete without the Omani topi, it is an essential part of the Omani culture.
Smooth, shiny finish sterling infinity circle cuff links make the perfect platform for personalization.
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